I will be at POPL 2025
presenting a few talks, hope to see you there!
I received some funding from EuroProofNet WG6 to
continue research on duality.
I am on the PC for TYPES 2025 .
I am a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering , Alma Mater Studiorum
- Università di Bologna , and also affiliated with the INRIA OLAS Team . The project page
is at ReGraDe-CS .
Previously, I was a Research Associate to the Head of School Prof. Simon Gay , at the School of Computing
Science , University of Glasgow ,
and affiliated with the FATA
section. Before that, I was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Computer Laboratory , University of Cambridge , on a Paul
Purdom Fellowship, working with Prof. Marcelo Fiore , and Prof. Neel Krishnaswami .
Even before that, I was a PhD student with Prof. Amr Sabry at the Luddy School , Indiana University Bloomington .
I study mathematical foundations of computation, through an algebraic
lens. My research spans programming languages, type theory, category
theory, logic, semantics, constructive mathematics, and
My papers are listed on arXiv and dblp .
Vikraman Choudhury, Simon Gay: The Duality of
λ-Abstraction . POPL 2025.
Cass Alexandru, Vikraman Choudhury, Jurriaan Rot, Niels van der
Weide: Intrinsically Correct Sorting in Cubical Agda .
CPP 2025.
Ivan Lanese, Ugo Dal Lago, Vikraman Choudhury: Towards
Quantum Muliparty Session Types . PlanQC Workshop 2025.
Vikraman Choudhury, Neel Krishnaswami, Ariadne Si Suo:
Semantic Analysis of Normalisation for Directional Logic
Programming . WITS Workshop 2025.
Ivan Lanese, Ugo Dal Lago, Vikraman Choudhury: Towards
Quantum Muliparty Session Types . SEFM 2024.
Vikraman Choudhury, Borislav Agapiev, Amr Sabry: Scheme
Pearl: Quantum Continuations . Scheme Workshop 2022.
Vikraman Choudhury, Marcelo Fiore: Free Commutative Monoids
in Homotopy Type Theory . MFPS 2022.
Vikraman Choudhury, Jacek Karwowski, Amr Sabry: Symmetries
in Reversible Programming: From Symmetric Rig Groupoids to Reversible
Programming Languages . POPL 2022.
Vikraman Choudhury, Neel Krishnaswami: Recovering Purity
with Comonads and Capabilities . ICFP 2020.
Chao-Hong Chen, Vikraman Choudhury, Jacques Carette, Amr Sabry:
Fractional Types: Expressive and Safe Space Management for
Ancilla Bits . RC 2020, LNCS volume 12227.
Jacques Carette, Chao-Hong Chen, Vikraman Choudhury, Amr Sabry:
From Reversible Programs to Univalent Universes and
Back . MFPS XIII, ENTCS 336, 2018.
Niki Vazou, Anish Tondwalkar, Vikraman Choudhury, Ryan G. Scott,
Ryan R. Newton, Philip Wadler, Ranjit Jhala: Refinement
Reflection: Complete Verification with SMT . POPL 2018.
Chao-Hong Chen, Vikraman Choudhury, Ryan R. Newton: Adaptive
lock-free data structures in Haskell: a general method for concurrent
implementation swapping . Haskell 2017.
Wind Wong, Vikraman Choudhury, Simon Gay: Symmetries in
Sorting . 2024.
Ryan G. Scott, Vikraman Choudhury, Ryan R. Newton, Niki Vazou,
Ranjit Jhala: Deriving Law-Abiding Instances . 2017.
Jacques Carette, Chao-Hong Chen, Vikraman Choudhury, Amr Sabry:
Fractional Types . 2016.
Selected Talks
Continuations and Coexponentials . LFCS Seminar,
Edinburgh. May 2023.
Free Commutative Monoids in HoTT . MFPS 2022,
Cornell. Jul 2022.
Symmetries in Reversible Programming . Logic and
Semantics Seminar, CL, Cambridge. May 2022.
Weighted Sets and Modalities . SYCO 8, Tallinn,
Estonia. Dec 2021.
Recovering Purity with Comonads & Capabilities .
ICFP, Aug 2020.
Recovering Purity with Comonads & Capabilities .
Midwest PL Summit 2019, Purdue University. Sep 2019.
The finite-multiset construction in HoTT . HoTT
2019, CMU. Aug 2019.
Retrofitting Purity with Comonads &
Capabilities . Logic and Semantics Seminar, CL, Cambridge. May
Homotopy theoretic aspects of Reversible Computing .
PL Wonks, IU. Sep 2017.
Mathematical Models of Resource-Conscious
Computation . PhD Thesis, Indiana University, 2022.
Distributed Issue Tracking using Patch Theory .
Masters Thesis, IIT Kanpur, 2015.
At Cambridge, I supervise
Discrete Maths
Semantics of Programming Languages
Denotational Semantics
Logic and Proof
At IU, I've taught
B-561: Advanced Database Concepts
B-401: Fundamentals of Computing Theory
B-505: Applied Algorithms
I-590: Technical Foundations of Cybersecurity
C-343: Data Structures
C-241 & H-241: Discrete Structures for Computer Science
C-211: Intro to Computer Science
I can be reached via email (alternative ), or irc
(vikraman@freenode ), or smail at
the following address:
Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria
Mura Anteo Zamboni, 7
40126 Bologna BO